December 16, 2019

TOGAF Essentials 2018

In this post, I’m going to explain about the new TOGAF Essentials 2018 credential announced by The Open Group. Firstly, this is the refreshed knowledge-based credential only meant for professionals who wish to upgrade their knowledge to the updated TOGAF standard version 9.2. Secondly, applicants are required to be TOGAF 9 Certified (TOGAF 9 Level 2).


The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF®) Standard, a standard of The Open Group, is the open Enterprise Architecture standard used by the world’s leading organizations and maintained by the Open Group members.

In April 2018, the updated version of the TOGAF 9.2 standard introduced. Individuals who achieved TOGAF 9 Certification against either version 9 or 9.1 can update their knowledge to 9.2 with the TOGAF Essentials 2018 credential.

TOGAF Essentials 2018 is a Refreshed Knowledge credential.


The purpose of the TOGAF Essentials 2018 credential is to validate that individuals who have earned the credential have up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the changes introduced to the TOGAF Body of Knowledge in 2018.

The TOGAF Body of Knowledge includes the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, and the TOGAF Library.

Who can earn TOGAF Essential credential?

Individuals who are already TOGAF 9 Certified (TOGAF 9 Level 2) and wish to show they have up-to-date knowledge of the 2018 version of the TOGAF Body of Knowledge.

What are the Assessment Criteria?

Candidates are required to have passed the TOGAF Essentials 2018 assessment. The assessment consists of 20 questions in a simple multiple-choice format with a 75% pass mark (15/20).

The duration of the credentials is indefinite – this credential is to a given version of the Body of Knowledge and does not expire. So, there are no recertification or renewal requirements.

What does the TOGAF Essentials 2018 credential cover?

Individuals (who are TOGAF 9 Certified) can earn this credential – To acquire this credential, candidates must complete all Learning Units defined below and successfully pass the TOGAF Essential 2018 Assessment.

The changes to the structure of the TOGAF standard and the importance of the TOGAF Library

The additions to the Business Architecture domain in the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2

The changes introduced in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 and the consequent changes to the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2

The changes to the TOGAF Content Framework and Metamodel in the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2

  • The changes to the security considerations to be addressed during the application of the ADM
  • Other significant changes made in the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2
  • Changes to the terms and definitions in the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2
  • The TOGAF Credentials Program

What is required to earn the TOGAF Essentials 2018 credential?

To be eligible for the credential, individuals must be TOGAF 9 Certified (TOGAF 9 Level 2). The credential awarded by completing a mandatory training element followed by an assessment.

Training A minimum of three (3) hours of training on the subject is required.

Questions – 20

The assessment consists of 20 questions in a simple multiple-choice format with a 75% pass mark (15/20)

Supervised – NO

Delivery: The assessment delivered over the Internet. At your home or in your office using supported browsers.

Open Book – YES

Assessment is not proctored and is an open book. You are encouraged to access notes and course handouts while taking the assessment.

The duration of the credentials is indefinite – this credential is to a given version of the Body of Knowledge and does not expire. So, there are no recertification or renewal requirements.

What does the TOGAF Essentials 2018 credential cover?

Individuals (who are TOGAF 9 Certified) can earn this credential – To acquire this credential, candidates must complete all Learning Units defined below and successfully pass the TOGAF Essential 2018 Assessment.

  • The changes to the structure of the TOGAF standard and the importance of the TOGAF Library
  • The additions to the Business Architecture domain in the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2
  • The changes introduced in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 and the consequent changes to the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2
  • The changes to the TOGAF Content Framework and Metamodel in the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2
  • The changes to the security considerations addressed during the application of the ADM
  • Other significant changes made in the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2
  • Changes to the terms and definitions in the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2
  • The TOGAF Credentials Program

What is the Study Track?

Candidates must complete at least three (3) hours of training at an Accredited Training Course on the subject.

What is required to earn the TOGAF Essentials 2018 credential?

Individuals are required to be TOGAF 9 Certified (TOGAF 9, Level 2). The credential awarded by completing a mandatory training element followed by an assessment.

Training A minimum of three (3) hours training on the subject is required

Upon satisfactory completion of the training element, Accredited Training Course providers submit Candidates details (candidate ID) to The Open Group, who will then invite the candidate to take the assessment.

Assessment Plan – TOGAF Essentials 2018

Candidates are required to have passed the TOGAF Essentials 2018 assessment. The assessment consists of 20 questions in a simple multiple-choice format with a 75% pass mark (15/20).

Unit 1: Structural changes (4 Questions) 20%

Unit 2: Business Architecture (4 Questions) 20%

Unit 3: 40210 Alignment (2 Questions) 10%

Unit 4: TOGAF Content Framework(3 Questions) 15%

Unit 5: Security (3 Questions) 15%

Unit 6: Other Changes (2 Questions) 10%

Unit 7: Definitions (2 Questions) 10%

What if I fail the assessment?

The system will allow two retakes automatically if you fail three times and want a retake an administration fee is required.

Assessment Delivery

To take the assessment, the candidate can make an evaluation from home or office online using supported browsers, including recent versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. Please note that Mozilla Firefox is not currently supported.


Individuals who have earned this credential recommended to consider additional credentials related to the TOGAF Library’s contents in The Open Group Credentials Program.


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